Monday, June 27, 2005

New Life comes to London

Today we went to Covent Garden to see LCM's café The Vine. We were enjoying the time in the center of the city, in an area where spiritualists, Hare Krishnas, homosexuals, and Goths mix freely with the freakishly conservative tourists and business-people. All of a sudden, I hear a loud a Philly accent. And wouldn't you know it - my pastor from New Life Glenside is right in front of us.
Angelo and a group of a few other New Lifers were on a 10-hour layover on their way to South Africa. It made our month to see them.

Then I found out that Chris, one of the guys from the College group we used to lead - and a very dear friend - was with them. For the next fifteen minutes, we searched the restaurants at Covent Garden looking for Chris. Finally, he saw me and came running up behind me.
Wow! What are the odds of that? We never come down to the city - we hadn't been to Covent Garden since we moved here! I think God knew we needed a bit of emotional sunshine - a reminder of how much we are loved, and how much we love.
Thanks God! Thanks Chris and Angelo and New Lifers!


Anonymous said...

Dan, What a joy it must have been for you to see some familiar and special people at a time when you were feeling far from loved ones. I praise God for supplying your needs.

Anonymous said...

Very very cool!!

Anonymous said...

Dan, do all people wear their hair that way in London? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Are you going to post my picture when I visit you? :-) I am really looking forward to seeing you guys.