Sunday, May 29, 2005

United Prayer Meeting

Sunday afternoon and I'm remembering some things that were forgotten that should not have been.
This past Wednesday we had the united prayer meeting for Dagenham. About 11 churches represented - Baptist, Independent, Anglican, Ghanaian-Baptist and others. Becontree Ave Baptist hosted.
Prayer meeting was focussed around 5 or 6 sessions of prayer for specific age groups, starting with young children and going on up through young parents to old age pensioners (that's OAP for short - feels a bit uncomfortable to my American sensibilities - I'm not supposed to call anyone old, even if they're old). After each time of prayer, we sung an English translation of the Kyrie together.
Then at the end, we broke up into groups of seven, took large photocopies of maps and colored our roads on the map. Then we prayed for the people living on those roads. We were also given a photocopy of a set of praying hands and we were told to write the name of one person we'd like to see come to faith in Jesus. Then we placed the names in big bowls on the stage and prayed for all those people we had written down.
In my opinion, one of the best prayer meetings or services I've been to here (apart from the cheesy "praying hands" photocopy - c'mon, does anyone really hold their hands with palms flat together and fingers pointed up when they pray? It's kind of an unnatural position.)

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