Friday, May 06, 2005

Election Results

Seems like Tony Blair has won a third term as Prime Minister (though there's speculation that he may be asked to hand power over to Gordon Brown sometime during that third term...something I don't really understand). Labour lost 47 seats - mostly to the Conservatives. Margaret Hodge, the local MP from the area around Bethel Christian Centre won reelection. The scary thing is that the BNP came in third, with over 16% of the vote.
It's been interesting the different perspectives that people in the church here have on the candidates. Different people support the Conservatives, Labour, the Liberal Democrats, or one of the smaller parties. There is much less of an association between Christians and a specific party here than in the States.
So, congratulations to Blair and the rest of Labour for holding onto control of Parliament, and congratulations also to Michael Howard and the Conservatives for their strong showing and gain in seats.

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