Monday, May 16, 2005

East London Gospel Partnership

Today, the East London Gospel Partnership was born. Well, the idea has been going for a while, but the name is brand-spanking new. Julian and I met with Mike, vicar at the local parish church in Dagenham. Mike's the driving force behind the gospel partnership in our area. The idea is for churches to work together to see ten percent of the population of the area connect to Christ-centered churches. It means partnering together in training, evangelism, and quite possibly church planting. Julian and I are beginning to contact all of the evangelical churches in Dagenham to share the vision and invite them into the partnership. There will be a meeting in June of representatives from all the churches involved to begin putting together an action plan.
I'm really excited to see churches working together, and am hopeful that it will translate into action - you know, the "faith expressing itself through love" kind of idea. Unity expressing itself through shared evangelism and discipleship.
The East London group is part of the larger South East Gospel Partnership.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dan. Sounds exciting. We're praying for God's vision to become clear.