Sunday, May 22, 2005

Sunday Roundup

Worshipped today at Dagenham Parish Church. We stayed for lunch afterwards with the pastor and his wife. We ate at "The Vicarage". Not only is it the pastor's house that's two doors down from the church, but it also has a sign that says "The Vicarage" above the door - probably as a warning, just in case anyone was confused and wandered there by mistake. We had a wonderful lunch with Mike and Debbie - roast lamb, sausages, parsnips, veggies, and sponge cake with lemon juice, golden syrup and ice cream. Traditional English cooking at its very finest...we loved it. Especially the Lamb with the parsnips...a good combination.

1 comment:

Amy (Hall) Smith said...

What up dude!
Your blog looks great. Keep posting.



ps. we linked your blog on our site, I hope that's okay.
peas out.