Thursday, May 05, 2005

Election UK

So I had a fun day. Our center was used as a polling place in the UK general election. It was really cool to be involved (even in a very small way) in the election process.
We basically sat outside the center and talked to people we knew as they left from voting. Saw a couple guys from the Hub and a number of the pensioners we know on the estate. The Labour party candidate for our district stopped by to say hello and greet a few people who were walking down the street. Margaret Hodge is her name, and she's also the Children's Minister in the current government under Blair. Another Labour worker was taking voting numbers from people, so he could cross them off the list as having voted. At 5 PM, they were going to start knocking on doors of people who said they were going to vote Labour but hadn't voted yet. Quite a system.
There was also a guy from the BNP (British National Party - quite racist in their campaign advertising). He had gotten permission to sit inside the polling place and check to make sure the poll workers were doing their job correctly. Quite intimidating if you ask me. At 9:30 PM I arrived back at the center to help close things down. The polls were due to close at 10 PM. There was a steady trickle of voters right up to 10. Then a flurry of activity to get all the ballot boxes sealed, packed up, and shipped off to the counting location. And now we await the results.

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