Friday, January 28, 2005

Update to "The Question"

So, I thought I'd give you an update on what my time of repentance to Julian looked like.
I talked to Julian on Wednesday. I confessed my self-absorption to him with regard to the talk at the younger Hub, and he was kind of blown away. For a long time, he didn’t even think I’d done anything wrong to him. It wasn’t until I started explaining what was going on in my heart (the real source of my sin in the first place) that he began to understand. It wasn’t so much that I disagreed with him about how the talks should go. It was more that I couldn’t get past the fact that I had been to seminary and this was not the way I was taught to do “apologetics”. I cared more about doing it the “right” way (or at least the way I think is right) than I did about Julian or the guys at the Hub. That attitude dishonors Jesus by forgetting that he is the one who put aside all his rights to die for us who were going about things all wrong. In the end, it was a great moment of encouragement for both Julian and myself. He extended forgiveness, and we both agreed that our friendship was getting off to a good start. My prayer is that the pattern of openness, confession and repentance continues - and not for the sake of "openness", but for Jesus' sake, that his Spirit of life and peace would reign in us. Love ya' Julian, and I look forward to our partnership in the gospel.


ryan sutherland said...

This is good stuff brother. Keep dying.

Anonymous said...

Dan and Somer, it's real encouraging to read this and hear about how the Lord is molding you and using you for His glory. You will be put through the fire; let Him do it all the while crying out to Him. It's good to hear from you. We'll pray for your relationships, esp in The Hub and with Alan and Flo.


Doug Green said...

Twenty-five years ago I read something the New Testament scholar F. F. Bruce wrote and it's stuck with me ever since. He said that in Paul's gospel "people matter more than things, more than principles, more than causes. The highest of principles and the best of causes exist for the sake of people; to sacrifice people to them is a perversion of the true order."

It's easy to write that. It's a whole lot harder to live it out. Appreciate your honesty about the struggle.

Doug Green
(One of the people responsible for teaching Dan the things he now has to unlearn!)

Dan Passerelli said...

Thanks for the encouragement - you folks are swell.