Thursday, February 01, 2007

55 for dinner tomorrow

Update: Dinner with 55 was really fun. The girls were a little shy, but came out of their shells by the end. It was great to spend some time with Shannon as well. She's helping organize a Saturday workshop in March around the concept of missional entrepreneurs (or something like that - sorry if I've totally missed the point, Shannon) - anyway, it sounds really interesting. She's in the process of looking for an apartment, so we had Somer pray for her since she has a special gift of prayer when it comes to those kinds of things.

Original post:
The guys of 55 will be over for dinner before they open the bar tomorrow. They should be over around 4:30. Can't wait.
Then, in what is probably a first for us, we'll be having a second dinner seating at a more normal time. Shannon is coming over. Shannon's been helping to connect various people in London who are exploring new ways of doing church. I'll fill you in on our meal later, if there's anything to report.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the Fifty-Five guys are coming over. Look forward to hearing how both dinners go.

Rebecca said...

Hope you guys had a good time. I'm sure you did! Can't wait to meet all of these people! :)