Thursday, January 04, 2007

Freedom House

I've been asked to preach on Sunday at Freedom House, a new church in Camden. The guy who normally preaches has just had a new addition to his family, so he's up to his elbows in diapers and night-feedings and all that other stuff that makes early parenting so great. A couple of my friends who don't normally go to church have said they'd like to come along (they promised to sit in the back and heckle me, which is always welcome). I'll try to post sermon content here before Sunday...I'm finding out what he wants me to preach on later today.


Anonymous said...

excellent! can't wait to hear how that goes.

Anonymous said...

that sounds awesome, by the way I am loving the hair. I saw the christmas card you sent my parents.

Tim said...

yo yo yo, how'd it go!