Monday, August 22, 2005

Church on the Corner

This past Sunday we spent the morning worshiping with the folk at Church on the Corner. It was very clear from the first that we were in a place with other people who love Jesus, and that they were there because they wanted to encounter God and respond to him in worship together. We felt very much at home - probably more so than in any other church we've visited since we've been here; even though I had to ask someone if the church was even open when we first arrived (first time in my life for that one). I felt free to express myself physically during the singing and join in the discussion during the sermon, and the fact that they had drinks on the tables during the service made the morning for Andi and Jodie. We sat around at tables, café style.
I chatted with the pastor afterwards, and he described wanting to be a place where non-churchy people could come and not be completely turned off by the atmosphere. Very close to our own hearts - maybe that's why we felt so comfy there. Anyway, I know it's not all about me and my comfort, but we were blessed by our time there. Thanks to Mark and Peter and others who welcomed us so well. Hope this isn't the last we see of you.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they do a good job of being a place where the unchurched might stop in. Glad you got to worship there.

Kristine said...

I love it. That sounds pretty cool.

Mark Fletcher said...

Hey Dan, thanks for your kind words about COTC, and lovely to chat the other day. I love your blog, it has a lovely balance of spiritual and ordinary.