Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day of Prayer

One Wednesday a month our team spends the day in prayer. We also fast to make room in our lives for prayer (you'd be surprised how much of your day is consumed by preparing, eating, and cleaning up food), and to connect our bodies to the sense of urgent need we feel for God.

We spent the morning yesterday at our house, and had a really great time. One of the specific things we prayed about is how to be involved in working for justice in Camden. To guide our praying, we read through several passages of the Bible where God demonstrates his love for justice and declares freedom to the oppressed. Isaiah 61, Luke 4, James 1. Awesome stuff.

Then in the afternoon we headed over to the team leader's house. Using the Lord's Prayer as a guide, we prayed for everyone we know in Camden, for our supporters back in the States, and for the other workers with our mission.


Anonymous said...

definitely sounds like awesome stuff. :)

Anonymous said...

hi dan! glad someone is praying for this place. hope you guys are doing well.