Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pigeon on the Tube

There's this great scene in You've Got Mail where Kathleen Kelly describes a butterfly who got on the subway at 53rd St. and off again at 59th, "presumably to buy a hat from Bloomingdale's."
Last night I was on my way home from an appointment in North London when I saw a pigeon on the platform for the Northern Line at Euston station. I started thinking how cool it would be if the pigeon got on the train. Well, wouldn't you know it? When my train arrived and the doors opened, the little guy hopped right in front of me and got on the train. I just stood there staring at it with the woman next to me...neither of us were sure what to do. She decided to get on a different carriage; I didn't want to miss any of the action. What would the bird do next? I wondered.
When I got on, it scared the pigeon, who flew franticaly down the length of the carriage. People were scared and held up their arms to fend off the panicked bird. It got to the end of the car, fluttered around for a bit, and then flew out the other door before the driver closed the doors and drove off to the next station.


Anonymous said...

what are you putting in your hookah?

chaps said...

haha funny story!

Anonymous said...

we had two pigeons come to worship at st. michael's on sunday. interesting birds those pigeons. j