Monday, February 14, 2005

Many cultures, one Essex

I've spoken at all sorts of different meetings this week. they all feel like they're part of their own universe.
the wednesday afternoon worship gathering at Bethel Centre. spoke on exodus 17 - water in the desert. many of the old people fell asleep during my talk...but julian says they fall asleep every week.
thursday i did the bible talk at the kids club at Ley Street chapel. talked on the exodus as God's keeping his promise, and jesus being the ultimate promise kept - both from God's perspective and ours. not sure how they took it...youth work is still new to me. as are urban kids in general. we again had to call the police, but the boy who was trying to force his way in left before we finished the call and so they didn't come.
today i shared at the evening gathering at Bethel (apparently we have a once-a-month service on Sunday nights). shared our story and a meditation from psalm 36. about 15 people there, mostly older, but there was another family w/ kids.
tuesday i'm doing a talk at the younger Hub.
all very nice. but i feel a bit like i'm on one of those turn-tables that you use to store kitchen gadgets. one minute i'm facing one context, another minute i'm facing another. the worlds don't seem to have much in common, even though the people live in the same parts of town and are from the same country. many cultures, one north-east London.

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