Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Bible Reading Plan

Last week I realized that Somer and I have been reading the same parts of the Bible over and over again - Isaiah 43, Revelation 22:17, Psalm 1, 16, 36. All great passages, but it tends to make us lose perspective. so i've found a bible reading plan to help us read through the bible in a year. you can find it here. i like this guide because you read parts of the old testament and new testament on the same days. i suppose you lose the aspect of the unfolding story that you'd get from reading it straight through. i'm ambivalent about dividing the readings into "family" and "secret". i could do without the extra explanation McCheyne gives...it reminds me too much of presbyterians who still try to think and talk like that today...too much of the good stuff in my heritage is absolutized and therefore made useless. but, the bible reading plan is a good one, so I'll use it.


ryan sutherland said...

Hey, fyi...not posting as much on lookingforbread, but am posting quite a bit on my community blog at seelifedifferently.blogspot.com

Thought i better set the record straight!

Anonymous said...

I used his reading plan last year and liked it very much as well.