Sunday, December 10, 2006

Drum Lessons

Andi and Jodie loved the African drum lesson. It wasn't really a lesson, so much as a jam session with one of the women in the shop. She started trying to teach the girls how to hit the drum properly, but they were shy and didn't want to do anything she was telling them. Then she said "I'm going to play, and you improvise when you feel comfortable." That did it. The girls had a really good time playing the instruments and then dancing to the beat while other people drummed. It really fascinates them that the drums are made with animal skins. They keep asking if different kinds of skin would work..."what about Lions, Daddy, do you think they use Lions skin? Or maybe dogs? Or Zebras, what about Zebras Daddy?" Since I have absolutely no idea what kind of skins are actually used, I make it up and say in my authoritative voice "Goats, they use goat skins. And maybe Antelope."

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