Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Tonight after dinner we finished a project we had started last night. We have been burning lots of candles to brighten up the apartment during the long dark hours, and we
had a few that had burned out their wick but left a lot of wax. So, I made candles with the girls. We started last night, using scraps of wool yarn for wicks, but I discovered later that wool does not burn very well. So we started over tonight with cotton wicks, which work quite well. Here are two of the finished products.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea. Sounds like a lot of fun. You should ask Mark sometime about our adventure making candles with Owen and his mother. (We only tried it once!)

Love the picture.
Miss you all!!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Sounds like a lot of fun. You should ask Mark sometime about the adventure we had making candles with Owen and his mother. I'm not sure I would call it "fun" - although I think the boys would - but it was memorable.

Love the picture.

Miss you all.

Jeff Cagle said...

Recycling wax -- your Chemistry dollars at work. :)

Been praying for you guys!

Jeff Cagle

Scott said...

Hey, looks like a lot of fun, and love the picture!

Rebecca said...

Love the picture.

Hi Andi & Jodie!! :)

Dan Passerelli said...

Yes Jeff, all those hours in the lab are paying off. Probably not exactly what you had in mind.