Monday, April 16, 2007

Prayer Walking with Jodie

Today Jodie and I went for a prayer walk on the streets around our apartment. Our team has set aside one day a month for focussed prayer and fasting, and today is it. We met here in the morning for prayer together. Andi and Jodie helped lead the opening of our day, as we sang "Here I Am To Worship" and prayed for people we know, including their teachers and friends from school.
Then we split up for the afternoon, and Jodie and I were together. We ran into a friend who has recently given his life to Jesus, so we prayed for him as we walked. Also prayed for our friends in the market as we walked by their various stalls. Also asked Jesus to bring his reigning light in the midst of the darkness of the spiritualists and fortune tellers.
It was really fun doing it with Jodie, and I'm encouraged by the fact that today was the first prayer walk I've been on in a while that I've been able to focus and haven't felt light-headed (and that in spite of the heat and fasting). I'm thinking I'd like to include the girls in our prayer-walking in the future.
I asked Jodie what she liked most about the prayer walk: Seeing the Hello Kitty store, was her response.


Anonymous said...

that is the coolest thing ever, to bring jodie along. :) glad you guys had a refreshing holiday!

Anonymous said...

We sang "Here I Am to Worship" yesterday in church, and I couldn't help thinking about Andi and Jodie.

Anonymous said...

You have a Hello Kitty store near you? Cool!