Monday, October 30, 2006

Galatians 4

Preached Sunday on the first part of Galatians 4 at Church on the Corner in Islington. Thanks for the warm welcome from everyone at the evening service - it was my first visit (we've been attending the morning service since we came to London in September). I felt like the evening went better than the morning. It's one of those funny things...I can't really explain why. I did make a rather desperate request for prayer after the morning because I was feeling a bit lifeless. I guess the Holy Spirit showed up in response, and I experienced his power at the evening meeting.
One of the most exciting parts of the passage for me was that when Paul says God has made us "heirs" - he means that in Jesus we are heirs of all of God's creation. I connected that to our view of the city, and challenged us to see the church as the rightful inheritor of the city.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,
I guessed you might have a blog, after your comments about computer games. Lo and behold, here it is. Thanks for last night, it is an exciting passage, and you brought it to life for us. I don't get to the morning service very often, but see you around,

Anonymous said...

isn't that term amazing? i marveled over it a while ago, along with the idea of being a "daughter of the King." we're royalty in God's kingdom, and heirs! wowie. :)

Dan Passerelli said...

yeah, kelley, it really is. tonight I was talking to some guys after Stephen's baptism (see above) and we were talking about dreams (not the 'while sleeping' kind, but the 'what I want to do' kind). I think this idea of inheriting the earth, being children of the king, shapes our dreams (or at least it should). i'm not quite sure how to express it's quite i'll just throw it out there.