Monday, July 24, 2006

A setback in the empire

Yes, it's true, last night I was defeated by my brother Mark at Settlers. The string of 6 consecutive wins has been broken.


Anonymous said...

I'm still of the belief that the aformentioned scheme had been made public and last nights game was 'thrown' to avoid further inquiries into the nature and cause of Dan's "Empire"

Anonymous said...

hey, how come your font shrunk again? we can aaallll still see it, dan! :p
(i am truly impressed, however, with your humility and quick response.) :)

Anonymous said...

a minor victory for the sickly outlying settlements... now that we have him on his heals, we must press forward to topple the mighty "empire".

though he may have retreated for a while, i sense that in a little over a weeks time, he will be forced to defend his throne. i'm counting the days to the next peon uprising.

Dan Passerelli said...

He who would incite an uprising must count the cost. Be warned, Andrew, the masses are difficult to control, and can turn on you at a moment's notice (as I am quickly learning).

Anonymous said...

yes, it's true. Jamestown has finally conquered the string of malaria viruses sent by the all-mighty emperor dan. As dan was swooping above the city my skilled rifle shooters gunned him out of the sky. i am eager to challenge his title for emperor.