Thursday, July 21, 2005

More London Incidents

Two weeks after the major bombings on the Tube and bus, there has been another series of incidents. These don't sound like they're nearly as big as two weeks ago, but several Tube lines have been closed. It sounds like packages exploded on a bus and a few trains, but there were few if any injuries. People reported a burning smell, and a couple people said they saw a man's backpack blow up. I was thinking that it sounded like a copy-cat thing, done to scare people more than anything else. Two minutes after I thought this, one of the news channels had an "anti-terror" expert on, who said the exact same thing. Anyway, just wanted everyone to know that all is well in our neck of London, and hopefully this will be resolved quickly with few people affected.


Anonymous said...

It's always such a relief to hear news about your safety. So many people here call or tell us that they check out your blog when they hear of incidents in London.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everyone is okay. We are praying for your peace today and for the people of London. In the bonds of Christ's love, John H.

Amy (Hall) Smith said...

Also glad you are all alright. Side note: I like the inadvertant way you pointed out that you had a nearly expert analysis of the "copy cat" quality of the subsequent terrorist threats, by showing that they experts said the same thing. ---> sounds like something I would say :)

Another side note: I am trying to get my in laws set up with a blog. Please pray as I try and get them on board with technology. Its a steap learning curve for them.

Cheers dude,
