Saturday, March 12, 2005

Jesus for sinners

i'm preaching tomorrow on Luke 5:27-32 - the story of Jesus calling Levi and having to answer questions about why he hangs out and eats with tax collectors and other sinners. so today is being spent mostly in preparation.
Well...mostly. Right now I'm getting the girls dressed and then we're off to "Play Park", their name for the local park with geese, ducks, a slide, and some swings.


Anonymous said...

Peter calls the swingset in the backyard "Play Park" as well - you know it's from Dora, right? Do the girls get to watch it at all over there? He's still very attached to it, btw. (and I still blame Somer!) ;-) I may have to get him backpack for his birthday, even if it DOES come from the girl's side of Toys R Us.

We were praying for you, and hope the sermon went well. Maybe you can post a few thoughts on how you think it impacted the church, and also, what church you were at?

Dan Passerelli said...

Yeah, I know it's from Dora - wasn't sure how many people would even know who Dora is...didn't want to have to get into a whole long explanation. See above for a few more thoughts on the church and a link to the center's website.
As for watching you think we could do without her? We found a multi-regional DVD player the first week we were here!