Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Surprise Party

Somer's birthday was yesterday. Last year, we spent her birthday moving to London from the States, so I wanted to give her a better day this year. We did the usual family stuff - girls and I made breakfast, we opened presents in the afternoon after the girls got home from school (oh yeah, it was also the first day of school yesterday), and we went to dinner at a BBQ restaurant. But what Somer didn't know was that I had also arranged to have our friends waiting in our flat when we got home! The good old surprise party.
It went really well - I only had to lie to her once all day (I got a phone call from the bakery that made her gourmet cupcakes, asking when I was coming to pick them up). The last person left at quarter past midnight - quite a party for someone who doesn't like to stay up late.


Anonymous said...

What a great ending to her day. Sounds like a much nicer birthday than last year.

Rebecca said...

Woohoo! Can't wait to party with her next year - her 30th! ;)