Friday, July 21, 2006


I just won Settlers of Catan for the fifth time in a row. Settlers is our favorite game, by far. You normally need 3-6 people to play, but in London we played with our imaginary friend Joe (that shows how much we love the game, not how insane we are). Sometimes Joe won.
But for the past two weeks, I've been on a role. My friend Tim can't touch me...Somer just sits and knits between turns, and my brother Mark had a bad case of malaria strike his settlements.


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh...please don't tell me you and Some are going to repeatedly subject me to this game when we live together...


Anonymous said...

Whenever I play that game with my sister and her engineer boyfriend, my settlements end up being struck with malaria too!

Anonymous said...

Clearly Dan has mastered the art of "slight of hand", whilst we are all focusing on establishing our settlements he sneaks extra pieces onto the board... I wondered how he got his 10 points after only 3 turns...

Anonymous said...

lol, i wondered that too! :p but after last night, i dunno. . . .

. . . to be continued, by, DAN (sooner than later, please?) ;) :)