Monday, April 03, 2006

Facing our Fear

Preached yesterday at my father-in-law's church in Hunt Valley, MD. They are a great bunch - very warm and welcoming of us. My parents drove over to attend the service as well, along with both my brothers and a visiting missionary friend from Uganda. I had a lot of fun, even though I was feeling sick most of the weekend - the Spirit gave me extra strength to get through both services without feeling any ill effects.
The sermon was from Isaiah 43 - a passage very close to my heart. I have tried lately to structure my sermons around the passage (rather than around "3 points" or something like that). So yesterday's sermon was basically a running commentary on the passage, with connecting verses and stories thrown in. I like doing it that way, because it's harder to forget your "points" when the passage is right in front of you. I also think it helps people learn to encounter God in the Bible for themselves.
You should be able to listen here - though as of Monday morning my message isn't up yet.


Anonymous said...

It isn't up yet on Monday afternoon either. But I'll try again.

chaps said...

this passage has been of great comfort for me during the last few weeks with my brother's troubles.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry i missed you at hunt valley, but i'm so excited you'll be with us later this month!! looking forward to it.
~ kelley

ryan sutherland said...

i'm just so impressed you "preached" a sermon!
