Monday, March 14, 2005

Sermon Update

Some of you have been asking for more details about Sunday.
I spoke at a church called City of Peace, which meets at the London City Mission centre called Cafe Forever. The church is mostly people from the Isle of Dogs section of London. A number of the men were away for various reasons, so it was mostly women on this particular week - maybe 15 people in all. Because I don't really know anyone, it's hard to guage how people were impacted...just have to trust the Holy Spirit on that one.
We had a discussion time afterwards, but I didn't introduce it very well. I had planned ahead of time to welcome people to make comments or give their own thoughts because they are valuable and God wants us to be sharing our hearts and speaking into the lives of one another. But instead I just said something like "Now we'll do a discussion?" Kinda lame. Don't know if that kept people quiet or not...several people made comments, but it only lasted about 2-3 minutes.
I think the most valuable thing for me was the time I spent praying and listening to God as I read the passage in Luke over and over.

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