Friday, November 05, 2004

Maturity in the Emerging Church

we had a good time of prayer and laying our hearts out before each other and the Lord this morning. thanks to all of you who were joining us in prayer.
one of the issues that came up i think merits a wider discussion: what is the role of older, more mature christians in the emerging church? for many boomers in the american church, the emgerging church looks young and feels too 'hip' for them. we saw it when we started having a public worship gathering led by our college group at church. the older people who came to the first one felt like they were out of place. i don't think they disliked what was going on...but they felt like they didn't fit in. they didn't stick out to me, but they said they felt like they stuck out.
how do we as young leaders in the church draw from the experience and wisdom of those who have gone before us, and at the same time not push them into the background? it seems to me that the emerging church is a place for anyone who genuinely desires to express their devotion to Jesus in real, personal ways, and wants to experience the nearness of his Spirit, no matter the age. how do we empower the grey-haired (or no-haired) among us to be turned loose for powerful ministry in the emerging church?

1 comment:

ryan sutherland said...

You should give Drew a call some time soon about the recent conference he attended on this very issue about the generation gap in the emerging churches. He came away with some great insights.